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Personal Banking

Last Updated on: 16/04/2024

Elite Consumer Durable Loan


Purchase of Consumer Durables, Household goods etc.


Any Individual whose regular income is more than Rs. 75000/- with 2 years of service in the same organization. The age of the individual should be between 25-60 at the time of maturity of the loan

Quantum of Loan

Max upto Rs.25 lacs 50% norms including income of spouse; RLCC has the discretion to sanction upto 40% of gross pay.


10% on the cost of the article/s to be purchased


12 to 72 months. No Holiday Period


Loan upto Rs.15 lacs: Hypothecation of Assets created

Above Rs.15 lacs: Hypothecation of the assets created along with Third Party guarantee/collateral security

Processing Charges

As applicable from time to time. Click here for current Service Charges.

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