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Agri & Rural

Last Updated on: 20/10/2023


  • Objective
  • The objective of the scheme is to facilitate appropriate and remunerative price to the farmers / growers and to enable them to get the benefits of improved practices of hygienic storage, pest control management, insurance etc for the farm produce.
  • Target Group
  • All categories of farmers (Loanee as well as non-loanee farmers).
  • Purpose

    Bank extends financial assistance to farmers for storing farm produces in private/ Government warehouse / cold storages against pledge of warehouse / cold storage receipt to prevent distress sale.


    75% of the value of the produce stored in the warehouse.

    1. For Individual farmers and members of SHGs/ Joint Liability Groups:

    Maximum Finance: Rs. 50 lacs for NWR & Rs. 75 Lacs for eNWR.


    25% of the value of the goods


    Pledge of Warehouse / Cold Storage Receipt

    Rate of Interest

    Refer - Interest Rates at a Glance - (Click here)


    The maximum repayment period of the loan is 12 months

    For other details, please contact your nearest IOB branch.